Forgotten Miracles

Mark 8, Jesus feeds multitudes with seven loafs and a few fish. A multitude! What a sight this must have been. Jesus goes on across the water and Pharisees want to tempt Him with questions and ask for a sign from Heaven. Jesus is a sign giver. It's been seen and heard and yet it’s recorded He deeply grieves or sighs when He tells them no sign would be given to their generation. Jesus leaves again on another journey. This time He warns His disciples of Pharisee talk (leaven or food) and Herod's way. Because they are again hungry, they think Jesus is making the hunger issue about their neglect to have enough food. 

Jesus has taken on these disciples with passion to stay the journey. He returns their concern to ask them... are your hearts hardened? Did you not see or hear what has been happening? HAVE YOU FOROT? 

There... forgot! That is where I am stuck. Have I forgotten? When I'm not seeing the Way to bring in Heaven, have I forgotten? 

Need I go on? This stares into my soul and I find the challenge.  Why would I forget? Why? The beauty of miracles and the difficulty of remembering, keeping my ears and eyes open to receive Heaven's signs and wonders. 

The warmth of His Love falls into my search, and I 'remember' my end-of-the-rope moments. The carefully hidden issues I fight against to allow surface. My desire to forget the unpleasantness my mind will hold against me. And yet here in this story I find Jesus holding a precious event before them to arouse more and more trusting moments where they will experience Heaven signs in their lifetime on earth.

The life given as a Believer is win-win. Jesus took ALL my sorrow and bore ALL my iniquities so when I am cast aside by my own mind... I am purchased with His life and death to experience Heaven signs forever! Remember His gift of life in all my ways!


The traveler (life within a soul) holds every act and word of its lifetime. My Love carries this as your Creator. To accept the eyes and ears of Heaven on earth, the washing of My Word places Truth as reward over deception of the world. This is now the journey of life told. 


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