Emotion of Success

The hunt is on. This search, encouraged by God's Wisdom, to seek the Lord are the findings to answer the soul that wants Heaven on earth within the walk of daily living. Common work of making a schedule that reads back to you the days events from our humanly design of gathering purposes and plans for the soul to feel worth and duty; be subject to His power which can stop the sun or move a river for the ultimate plan of my beginning to end. Hunt and find!

To lay myself before this emotion of success, His success planned before my existence; yet, planned by the Word that speaks. Mercy that makes my heart sing. Miracles that make me walk about substances of enemy trials, but weaknesses surrendered to the One who counts the hairs of my head. I see what is not seen. I hear what is not heard. I blend in with the choror of Heaven as my voice dances with jolly celebrations. A laugh falls from Heaven and lays its Sound upon me and I join the invitation to be filled with healing. The feet that stumbled gets back up and finds the air to be saturated in His Songs to sing, His gifts to open, His eyes to see the Kingdom through the Light of His greatness for me. 

The hunt is to line up my emotions to His, and be fearless to accept His inner abundance that the world distorts. Allow the emotions of success wear its armour against the darts of troubled souls. Without the shyness of fear, the heart listens to the Peace of War that wins the battle against those who fight the love of His Word. All shouts and whispers belong to the Lord Almighty. To seek Him places my soul in the life giving bread of Heaven. Unknown and unfamiliar to the flesh, but sound and fierce to the Spirit within; the art of His work becomes beauitiful and healing rather than distructive and seperating. 

A win is a surprise to all. His ways are highter. 


Be Holy as I Am Holy. I sent Word and light was pure for all people. This Presence burst forth the wall between sin and salvation. To be Holy is simply to believe. Repentance is knowledge of who I Am spoken to change the mind. Repentance is impossible without a heart that seeks Me. Forgiveness is an act of my holiness working the earth into the Kingdom of Heaven. Unforgiveness creates a wall between the mind and Spirit causing hearing and vision loss of My Kingdom within the soul. 


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