Eve Let's Talk
Eve... a name, a person, a place in history. The story so
enormously long, yet I have but a few words about her. She was created from
another. She lived in a garden created for her.
What was that like? How long was her life before the 'apple
story'? Time before time began as one deceived and chose the scam of something
so evil in a world so beautifully designed for living a 'good' life (God said,
"This is good."). The tumble of Adam's strength to be scammed by both
his mate and evil was the beginning of another garden to live in. Adam, this divine
creation, was crippled by the trials of available sources.
What if they came up with writing skills and could write
their story down? The days and days and days before the struggle to accommodate
this new earth (ground) to live on. Would you listen? Once they fell, did
they fall face down in gratitude to have their Creator continue to be involved
with a new healthier way? Did they see Love’s creation, rescue?
I want to hear more, and I believe someday (in another
setting when I am taken to this new ground - Heaven), I will hear the wonders
of this beginning. For I feel like I miss the mark too often and make the same ridiculous
choice of choosing the wrong from curious thoughts convincing me it will
somehow make me wiser or live longer. And out comes the Rescue, my God!
Oh, how wonderful we were made. How sensitive God decided to
make us as we grow in hearing and being His children. How pleasant it is to
have Him come and cloth me when I have slipped away in my folly. When I am
placed in the Face of His Love, the beauty of Eve’s crumble and willing to tell
Him all. I was tempted. I was deceived. I fell for the crazy of another source
beyond my strength to unwind truth, wants, and action.
Sometime in eternity, I want to tell Eve about my journey
with God's Love. I want to tell her everything, as she and I sit to learn. To
hear of the continued Love started with her of the redeeming life that was
started when she openly talked with God of her findings. Her safe position to
tell the truth she found to be the best place. The tricks the enemy played on
her, he played on me; and the temptation of unknown places were illuminated from
false statements.
The reunion of who I am, I was, and now who I hope to be...
sitting with Eve. She knows Jesus even greater than I do but we get to
share how it all came within our souls. Always a Rescue of Love from the
Look at the stars. Find the eyes of earth reflecting the greater. My Love is reflected through creation with Holy as the fire to maintain. Life only has abundance, and I only have the Way.
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