Dream of Adventure to 17 Places


I had agreed to an adventure I knew was large. Packing was thought out to bring as much as I can but know I am the responsible one to carry it. I took several bags. When I got to the place where I met up with a group, I combined some of my luggage and felt I had arrived at my capacity at its greatest. I could see this adventure would not be a breeze. We would be headed to 17 different places/events/heights. Byrdi had also come, but I couldn't carry her burden, and it caused me grief. Destiny was unknown, and confidence would be challenged; but I did not turn back. I made that first step and out I went alone with thought of moving forward as it came. 

When I woke, I was very aware I had a dream that had the number 17 in it. Thinking that I got married on the 17th I immediately wondered if this was marriage. I prayed and rehearsed the dream for a bit so that I would remember it when I got up. It was a little after 4 a.m.

Dreams are puzzles of the mind and heart trying to speak to each other. Coming into agreement from a challenged place of spiritual growth toward God's entrance into the gate of Heaven on Earth, the night of rest becomes a bed of thoughts. I listen and then ponder the dream of adventure as if I was about to travel something ahead. What can I learn from sleep interrupted with this vision? Is this a metaphor of the work on Earth for my soul to find direction? 

Recorded and saved, I move in faith as my trust in my Father grows into mature finding, He has me always in all my doings. Life will promise adventures where counting its blessing is praise to the One whose strength I lean on... my God, my Father who sent Jesus to show me the Way. Then sent His Holy Spirit to walk this adventure out with excitement of unknowns. 


Listen! Walk! Talk the fight with me and let life be its ride. Movement is divine. 


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