Love That Is Forbidden

My heart ponders what is rolling around in it after an incident someone recently shared happened to them. Trouble and confusion were on their face as an explanation was not happening well. I asked them, “Were you love-bombed?” Immediately like a light just came on and relief to understand the trauma it caused they said, “YES!”

DEFINITION of Love Bomb: the action or practice of lavishing someone with attention or affection, especially in order to influence or manipulate them.

Satan is extremely confused on earth and out of the original territory he was created for. He was created for beauty, an instrument of praise in Heaven’s chorus of majestic sounds that brought joy to unspeakable languages in order to fill the atmosphere. He was provoking creation to have sincere adoration to God, the Creator, as He experienced and excelled in leadership. These sounds of love honored God with beauty and skills. Greatly admired with deep devotion, his love sent vibrations of yearning and passion throughout all of God’s creation.

But slowly (who knows how long this took) he became accustomed to a position where he sit in prestige that he loved! Loved being admired as it twisted something inside his purpose. He bit into this new thing (pride that gives back to self) as his first “bite of a forbidden tree.” Followed by many angels who found the tickle of exaltation raised questions about their position and God’s design for the end results. Corrupted love brought distorted but magical new self-adoration and a feeling of superior wisdom.

Thrown from Heaven, Satan, and those that followed, were sent to a place unfamiliar and out of character. Hungry to be loved and honored, but in a new territory. Now with all he has, (God’s Truth twisted by his own deception) he is stumbling to make sense of how to build self-love back to his own satisfaction. His leadership remains subject to the Creator of the Universe but he lost the original position he was designed for. He is off-track determined to win a race he is not even in the right arena for.

When Adam and Eve are created in God’s image, I can only imagine his jealousy. Love is demonstrated before his eyes between humans and God. Satan had once deceived one-third of Heaven’s angels. All he knows now is distorted love but begins to work deception on how to become your own god with Adam and Eve. Their beauty was once familiar to him, and he is still convinced (deceived) he holds wisdom not known from Heaven’s position. He love-bombs Eve (remember, he is confused in a world he was not created to be in) by telling her that seeking outside God’s safety will not kill her but give her a world of honor all her own (like he believes he has). He teaches her to take the love she has for God and give it to herself… eat and gain wisdom as a god.

I believe Satan loves (distorted) his new world. Yes, I do not think he has laid down the fight. His distorted understanding of love gives him power we must be careful not to surrender into. He sells us his deception into becoming gods in our own world. But this is not what we are created to be so if we bite into it, we are in a confusing place, out of place. When Jesus said He was not of this world, He was restricting Satan from any distortion that would entice an appetite to be self-loved. Satan worked hard in love-bombing Jesus during His 40 days of fasting and being tested. Promising to give Jesus a nation, food, and power (self-distorted love, of course) Satan was and is convinced it is the ‘better way’. The wisdom that is not found in Heaven, but wisdom that makes you a god.  Jesus came to save us from Eve and Adam’s fall for this distorted lie.  

Only One God (in Heaven) has Love and Wisdom higher than our ways and richer than any world kingdom can bring us. Love-bombing has horrible outcomes but feels like riches to the one doing the distorting for their own glory and gratification. Once tasted and deceived into thinking it works, a habit of unholy works develops to scheme on prey seeking love in the wrong places.

Jesus describes Satan to Peter when He turned and said, “Get behind Me, Satan! You are a stumbling block to me; you do not have in mind the concerns of God, but on the things of man.” Matthew 16:23 Satan can only think like and for man. What a disastrous fate. He lost the connection to honor God with his existence.  

Jesus loved Peter for Peter’s sake, with God's devotion. Peter was allowing Satan’s twisted wisdom to influence him as he love-bombs Jesus with this suggestion to not go to Jerusalem to suffer and die. Peter’s distorted love declares “Never Lord! This shall never happen to You!”  Matthew 16: 21-23. Oh how greatly Peter loved Jesus and this sounded so right to him but it was off track and not of Heaven’s Wisdom but of man. Peter was not ready to give up his love walk with Jesus as it was working for him according to Peter’s law of love.

God’s Ways are higher than ours. God only holds true Wisdom! We worship (accept God as the Creator with Holiness [Perfect] as God, so we do not get off track and surrender to anyone’s fake love (distorted by Satan) of this world. Beware, Satan’s love bombs can feel and sound so right but they are FORBIDDEN and DANGEROUS!




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