Forsaken WHY
Forsaken (to leave behind)
Matthew 27: 46 ...My God, my God, why have You forsaken me?
Did God forsake Him? My answer is NO. His promise is to never forsake.
With that in place I continue a study as my heart looks into this crazy statement. Jesus feels and ask if this was happening, yes? The difficulty of hanging there, waiting, being so humiliated, ridiculed, and some of His hardest moments... left behind by those He loved and had loved Him. Experiencing rejection and being mistreated by those we love hurts to the bone. So much so we might even ask the Creator if this is His doing!
Jesus asked many questions while walking on earth. He also openly asked things of His Father. The beauty of His life on display reveals emotions. Emotions deep as son of man, from beginning to the end as He comforts me by saying He has experienced everything I have. I hear His cry, do you?
My thought (question) during my own such tremendous times? Exactly... GOD why are YOU forsaking me? Sometimes I feel this like a secret I can't tell; but sometimes, my heart is brave and it cries out loud like Jesus did. My emotions are so bewildered, I cannot make sense of the moment.
Jesus discovered Himself in a position where He reacted to His emotions that hurt and felt against everything He had worked for since the Dove (Holy Spirit) revealed who He was to those who would listen. The Way had been paved for a mission He agreed to make while in Heaven. And now this... He asks if He was being forsaken.
He knew love but FELT rejected. Was this a part of His Father's love?
He knew love but felt rejected. Is this moment my cup?
He knew love but felt rejected. He experienced what I do... I ask my Father God if I am being forsaken.
The passion Jesus had for His Father was so enormous (even in this massive attack) He can surrender to that passion by giving the Father His Spirit. Oh how I love this answer to the ache of feeling forsaken. His (Our) Father receives us into His Kingdom as my soul wanders about as body and Spirit (feeling my questions and pains of being forsaken). Speaking questions to the Creator as emotions live in such a rich life.
As I listen to the sounds outside my window this morning, I hear thunder. Is my Father speaking? Is He loving me with such loud sound I cannot break apart the Words to find what is being said? Probably! Is this passion inside me strong enough to keep me during my on and off moments of finding myself in this feeling of forsaken? Am I asking for another cup? Can I pass on my love to another to carry? Can I cry out to my Creator that I hold nothing against those broken?
To experience my emotions is one of the greatest joys I have been given. The ups and downs live in me like breathing; I am moving with its flow. I am learning and developing a story, a testimony of His faithfulness. And... I am surrendering my Spirit into His hands. The thunder outside is outside. It is the work of my Father's passion storming around me to watch and be a part of every move I make.
I may not yet feel what it is like to become Spirit as flesh is gone, but Jesus arose from death after surrendering His Spirit to His Father's hands and in doing so He speaks of it being delightful. Jesus called me to follow Him. His Name (Kingdom) takes me to know the Father.
Our Father did not forsake Jesus but maybe... just maybe... Jesus experienced (like me) how it feels to wonder just that.
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