Good Undefined but Viewed
My dearest love… Father God of Heaven and scattered upon the earth with such mercy. I am leaning toward the awesomeness of how this applies to my own heart. I sense it daily as a part of my walk, my existence with decisions and results of decisions. This mercy follows me and gives Light before I even get to its need.
You have set up a Path, a Way which pours Truth from the source of created Heaven on earth. I find my own heart exchanging desires as I come closer and closer to this wondrous place where sitting in wait is actually movement of power from on High. Keeping watch is my unseen; but Your seen and heard is constant love toward me. I come to find this love and what I discover is beyond expectation or even fulfillment of desires. I sell out to stay. I seal the door by simply looking into the Face of Expression over me. What I hear dissolves within and tells me a story of unfailing love.
Love can appear to come and go but so does the sun covered
in its season for me to sleep. I am wrapped in its warmth though I do not see
its revealing. So love burns to bring good to my life, seeking to communicate
the pleasures of its being. I think I am dry, no food for my soul, no water for
my walk; but You shine always, I have but to open my shades. Come look for
there is no day or night in Heaven’s glory. Your Light shines forever and has
invitations sent to the weary and heavy burdened.
When I am lost in worry or lost within my screaming facts
that have choked me; I sound out a signal of stress. I am known among the
assigned angel army. Jesus went the completed days of protected purpose for the
whole life of each soul the ‘In the beginning’ had designed to bring to His
Father. None lost, not one. This magnitude has the Heaven’s rejoicing and gives
audience to the earth. The rapture of my heart soars into my own individual
capture of gratitude for I am numbered as one He died for.
Sing, soul of great worth… sing of His good pleasures; for
my existence is the fascination of His Voice that sounds life into me. Live
each breath with knowledge that stays within and waits for its debut. Walk in the understanding that He lives and
moves to create good so I will see kindness and this kindness escapes my heart
to others as well. Do not define goodness but let goodness define itself as it
is manifested before you like a movie watched after its production. Trust with
the whole heart, He is King of all kings known or to be known.
I am found.
Before the creation of breath (life) on Earth, My thoughts were filled with Joy. Joy spills its substance by dividing about in good. From the existence of Creation I share from within all life. Good ( Hebrew 'tob' 2896 in the wildest sense) was the beginning and finishing of my creation.
Genesis 1:31 And God saw every thing that He had made, and, behold, it was very good. And the evening and the morning were the sixth day.
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