Un-Wasted Life Yet to Experience
My heart has so much life and yet I can be so unfamiliar with treating it with healthy substances. As I go to the wonders of Jesus Christ in me, I realize I just nourished my heart to an extreme level. I now own refreshed energy and have abundance within. What to do with this, challenges me as my options just became enormous, where I was so depleted minutes prior.
What a beautiful moment... un-wasted life yet to experience. Wide open to explore and/or plan for. Like God who reveals of having a PLAN for us. He has set a course of greatness. With open doors for my very best, not my least.
How am I planning to walk out His PLAN? How am I thinking of this enormous gift I did not have to pay for. I am a guardian for one of my children and I understand building a plan for their best options to be available; but this is according to such a limited source within me. His Source for me is limitless.
Awaken, oh my soul, for the day is singing with angels in assignment. Power is shouted about for the air to fill with directional combat against the enemy's attempt to twist Light. Righteousness speaks its reasoning into the hearts of His beloved. The PLAN of the Almighty pulls at hearts with love that never fails. Receiving is only to open ones ears to hear. His Voice rings like chimes in the wind.
The story of ones past takes the Voice of revelation and places His divine nature into visionary power. For they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony... (Revelation 12:11).
Live... live strong within me my God, my Savior. I plan with Your PLAN to give my whole heart as I hold strong to Your everlasting hand. Singing as my soul dances with joy. For today and the moments ahead hold un-wasted life yet to experience.
Search Me and you will find. For every detail you need is within you and purposed for the abundant life. The action of love carries the wisdom to walk accordingly. Love is like the long note held until all breath is gone and then it inhales with might from my Kingdom come. Refreshed and ready to deliver. I Am the Way.
My heart has so much life and yet I can be so unfamiliar with treating it with healthy substances. As I go to the wonders of Jesus Christ in me, I realize I just nourished my heart to an extreme level. I now own refreshed energy and have abundance within. What to do with this, challenges me as my options just became enormous, where I was so depleted minutes prior.
What a beautiful moment... un-wasted life yet to experience. Wide open to explore and/or plan for. Like God who reveals of having a PLAN for us. He has set a course of greatness. With open doors for my very best, not my least.
How am I planning to walk out His PLAN? How am I thinking of this enormous gift I did not have to pay for. I am a guardian for one of my children and I understand building a plan for their best options to be available; but this is according to such a limited source within me. His Source for me is limitless.
Awaken, oh my soul, for the day is singing with angels in assignment. Power is shouted about for the air to fill with directional combat against the enemy's attempt to twist Light. Righteousness speaks its reasoning into the hearts of His beloved. The PLAN of the Almighty pulls at hearts with love that never fails. Receiving is only to open ones ears to hear. His Voice rings like chimes in the wind.

Live... live strong within me my God, my Savior. I plan with Your PLAN to give my whole heart as I hold strong to Your everlasting hand. Singing as my soul dances with joy. For today and the moments ahead hold un-wasted life yet to experience.
Search Me and you will find. For every detail you need is within you and purposed for the abundant life. The action of love carries the wisdom to walk accordingly. Love is like the long note held until all breath is gone and then it inhales with might from my Kingdom come. Refreshed and ready to deliver. I Am the Way.
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