Enemy's Nightmare

Papa, the remarkable days can mark those less favored with the spread of my favorite topping, so to speak; flavored with anticipation that even those closest are not able to experience as I tell of this inner multiple joy conversation I have with my self. I swing back and forth between the emotion remembered, to the new day filled with the art of combining the good with today. Sharing this hope with my now... and watching, experiencing it grow as my faith is challenged to hold tight.

The revelation of love has power untold. My Father has more electrical sensations in His finger than the brightest, largest bolt ever fallen to the earth. What love does is see deeper. What love finds is deeper than eyes looking can find. If I want love that can only be seen, I have missed the miracle of its pathway to adventure. The wish of living life to the fullest has a well inside the soul that expands from unexplainable moments. So sensitive that earth cannot touch, only Heaven on earth gives delight of this nature. The enemy is powerless and must watch as the stumbling blocks build His (God) wonders into His (God) stories.

Love creates as I'm invited to take a front-row seat. My life with His. My home becomes the sanctuary of His dwelling, His love. Now the enemy's nightmare evolves over and over while my dream comes true, consumed in praises to One with me.

How excruciating the pain must be to the enemy who is unable to take away love from someone. The fight the enemy must battle over and over and over, only to find love is growing rather than leaving. As my heart centers upon love that radiates, my own flesh melts as this Fire of Love burns off lies lived by.

Seeking a haven to find healing, I find His Love has been holding me until I could go deeper. Until I could see from faith so real it is a Substance. A barrel of living water rather than a cup as I sip to find refreshment to my soul.   

The depth of repentance is built from love's expanding revelation. It is impossible to repent without knowledge love will replace and heal. A true sacrifice involves a relationship, not a portion pay off. Love wills the soul into Heaven's drenching anointing (atmosphere). I am Love.


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