
God above all, God so far away and yet always within me; to You I begin and end my desires to understand, and be the freedom Jesus paid outrageously for.  

My heart cries this morning for all that I am, to find this center, this equal where I am stayed in motion of being. Losing the weights while gaining entrance into the Sound of Your Voice. Listening with such ease, I float in its vibration instead of resisting. 

The whispers of such kindness hold me there. Swells of emotion rises as my senses and tasting of such sweetness illuminates with directional guidance. I follow as the wonders of the universe continue in its beauty of praise, stayed in focus upon giving glory to One who died for me to see it. 

I am stunned with sensitivity and overwhelmed with content. I live. I live as if I had only just begun life. Wide awake to explore brand new colors of this day never before discovered or known. Always been there but never seen... my heart enters with gladness. 

Kindness begins to speak to me and yet no words are heard to trap my mind. I experience kindness as if it is air to give life. My body knows it is swimming in something new but has no reserve or fear to continue. Just see this kindness and consume.

Kindness, a love expression of God work. Finishing what He started.  A fire untouchable yet giving warmth on a cold night. 

Kindness, a washing away of dirt without removing the make of the body.  Giving kindness unwinds the soul that has been twisted and trapped in the thorns of waywardness. 

Kindness turns off the loud noise and connects the right sounds to make music. Kindness allows the heart to feel cold so it continues to return to the Fire.

Freedom, Lord, in Your Kingdom, is space for my soul to roam in green pastures. Safe, as kindness restores and lightens my load. 

Kindness is the abundance of having a Shepherd, Jesus, guiding me to my tomorrows while feeding me now.

Where is the heart located? Not the organ, the focus of life? The flow and sound extends from this source. 

Guarding this focus acts as ears to hear heaven. 

Emotions (reactions to what focus is being feed) gives thrills of life or panic of fears. Love (extreme life source) releases kindness to experience emotions as signs of medical needs. Jesus came to the sick, not the whole.  

The heart (focus of life) always has a location. Guard by being aware of its location. I am always aware of your heart location. Trust by watching, not by ignoring.


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