You Get Only This
The turn of great things begin with a rather abrupt earthquake of
events. It is the plan of New... born again... death to life... hope from
despair thinking. So often it feels like it was the straw that broke the
silence or the thunder (whichever was the norm) but it is always the
accumulating pushes that shatter the glass bubble and remove the walls of
confinement to its law of "you get only this". The enemy tried to get
Jesus to take what he had which was the
earth. Why would Jesus accept just the earth when God, His Father, was offering
the Heavens and the earth and all those who called upon His Name? Jesus had His eyes upon you and me rather than
a small gift of temporary treasures of earth.
My hope is stayed upon my children. In all my paths, I pray for their
lives to be enriched far beyond what I can offer as human but rather what I can
explore and then offer from Heaven on earth. The unending gift that eternity is
promised as a salary to sustain them. My
stumbling can even be for the riches of learning as they explore, if my eyes remain
upon the higher gifts.
So my prayer at this moment... Lord, teach me to pray. Not a prayer,
but pray. Teach me to walk and play. Teach me as I follow You and call upon
Your Name. I set my eyes upon the greater mark that begins with the earthquake events
of Heaven has come to earth. Praise that exceeds my language learned and into a
language of heart and soul talk. Emotions that guide as sincere revelations as
its greatest being love.
The JOY that is set before me, eternity as in now and
forever. And as this gift dwells within, and spews forth from that energy, add
greater revelations to build Your Kingdom into foundations within my children
for generations to come. Mark them with Your love; for love never fails.
My glory fills the earth. Sounds of Heaven is the food and energy. Eyes
to see have been placed with courage to walk. Joy leads from taking hold of
faith given.
Kingdom Riches is being awake.
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