Just Tell Me What To Do

Papa God, just tell me what to do! That seems to be how I'm standing and yet, reality might be that I'm not listening at all. Or, what I hear I don't want to hear so I say... I don't hear You! Either way, I seek counsel on how to move forward. 

Because we get broken, just means You CAN FIX IT. Being broken is the expected move from world view into heavenly view. The Way came to earth because we were broken and going in a captured heart direction rather than the open freedom of real life, the abundant life. 

I stumble around but I've tasted the life of Your Kingdom and nothing else comes anywhere close to its freedom to my soul. All false look alike images appear sweet but bitter to digest.

Papa, I want my Spirit to be One with Your Voice. Speaking life into me so I can speak life outward. I become a closed heart when I can't hear You.


I am in despair and wandering in its doom thought of no-way-out when, to my surprise... my countenance shifts as fear walks away. Extreme Peace falls like a sudden guest arrival that lifts the heart in gladness. Bringing a smile across my face, formed before I noticed it happening.  

I am running to greet Peace with arms wide open. Courage takes me forward and I need no stops, only anticipating the warmth of embrace. 

Your Presence comes. 

I need not say 'thank You' for every part of me is expressing this emotion gone wild. I let this happen. 

I slowly feel it consume me and I experience all it has for me. I am changed, renewed, made fresh as love mixes its potion with my response. 

I have stepped into the eternal built mansion built for me.

Sweet Papa, how odd, being in Your Presence where answers now seem non essential. Only minutes ago I was desperate to have the exact equation that would complete my puzzle. Whereas now, I am so content to sit and enjoy the setting before me. Realizing my anxiety is from me trying to lead rather than trying to follow. 

The foundational rebuilding from all anxiety is this sound... the calm of following Jesus, the Son of God.

Taking My hand involves a trust for my Kingdom come. The reach is during the darkness with eyes unseen what is to come. Trust - builds step by step as knowledge of love is experienced. To know of love is only an infant stage of self in Me; but to grow is experiencing love in Me. My Kingdom come is within the heart that follows.


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