Wrestled With Aches Of Answers


Father, my heart leaps from its slumber and rejoices in Your likeness upon the earth. Your glory spills from saints and throughout the land wherever I go. I rejoice in the constancy of this Source of never-ending supply of abundance. My distraction does not annul my past nor my future with my great redeemer. Grateful for His pull upon my heart, I step into His glory. A substance of mercy and grace! A substance of reality and truth! A substance of life breakthroughs that mountains and valleys hold my story, I sing of His love.  

Oh, how mindful You are of the troubles and victories I fall and rise to. I tell of a story where my heart was buried in hopelessness but I was blind. I tell of a story where my walk was of my own power but I was crippled. I wrestled with aches of answers but I was smothered in my own understanding. Freedom comes as I listen to You in the night. Songs revive me as I open my mouth in praise. Healing pours throughout my body as I share I’m lost, You found me. Your Voice is the treasure of now, then, and eternity. Speaking the world into existence, still speaks!  I join the angels in declaring who You are. Receiving life, receiving substance of mighty love, I move in this Now Time forever.

To yearn is to seek. I set the desires within you to bring you to a relationship of Love pure. I stir your heart with passions as you give life a realm to dance. You are not formed without a mother and father; neither are you formed without my Fire of Holy breathed within you to experience eternally. As yearning is exchanged between Me and you, the divine happens. Life cries out to praise and be.


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