Created With A Want To Follow
Sweet Holy Spirit, thank You for being such an open place of
safety, such a revelation of kindness. Building our hearts with Truth set to
change the chemistry of our atmosphere. Taking me into the open heavens of
bliss; open heavens where the whispers of greatness come with the power to release
my ears into conversations meant for me. Settling my trembling feebleness into
strength to look upon my Father’s Face and watch all my cares melt at His feet
as freshwater from heaven’s substance fills me with Your glory.
I search,
seeking the spout that flows in ease of just being. Living here in this
acceptance; still, and yet rushing like a mighty waterfall my soul is revived.
Waiting with the multitudes turned to gather heaven’s dew, soaked in its beauty.
This waiting Room, Your Presence is anticipated so mightily, my heart calms
while my soul drinks from the fountain.
And then, I rise! I rise to the wonders
of Your calling. Ready to be whatever lives from this Touch. Experiencing such
glory, I find my heart enlarged with purpose to just be. Accepted beyond my
wildest dreams.
Accepted … oh how acceptance heals everything.
Creation is open. I have placed life as my breath upon earth
and in all creation. Life means senses that create a want to follow.
I have
created the air to hold this flow according to my works flowing from love’s
song. When one accepts my life, they accept Love’s Song to follow.
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